
Pedro Jareño from Minube

The last Monday, in Managing the tech start-up class, Pedro Jareño, co-founder of Minube, gave lecture to us. 

Minube is travel social network company running in Spain. He founds that although there are some travel social network companies focusing on travel planning, there is no social network companies focusing on inspiration & sharing memories. Most travelers firstly decide to which areas they travel according to their inspiration, but no companies offered this kind of service. Also, tourism is changing as technology is changing.
Then, he detected a business opportunity and launched Minube.

He explains to us the traveling process – 1) inspiration, 2) planification, 3) Comparation, 4) Booking, 5) Traveling, and 6) Sharing memories. ( See the following picture )

Travel social network and web service is not unique, but he founds the niche market in this kind of business. This gives us great learning that we can find business opportunity seemingly existing business.

Now, Minube’s achievements are
- 1,500,000 users per month
- Leaders in social travel in Spain
- Global project
- 125,000 registered users
- Approximately 900,000 pictures
- Approximately 200,000 real experience
- 20 staffs( 10: tech staffs, 1 designer, the rest is commercial & marketing staffs )

Following is the idea of Minube’s building business opportunity

1) Target Identification
- Look for travel bloggers
- Social Media Research
2)  Get users
- Contests to attract travelers 
Create a friendly brand
3)  Dynamization( Proactivity )
- Be the first user
- Conversation
- Contests
4)  Fidelization( Loyalty )
5)  Public recognition( Prizes, gratitude )

His lecture was really passionate and inspires me that detecting business opportunity, launching it, and leading to success are quite exciting!!

Thanks Enrique & Pedro!!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Thank you for your post. It's awsome that something I said could inspire anybody! It is everything about inspiration!

